~ awake in this moment, at home in the world ~


January 24, 2018

On a day when all hope is lost,
when the world seems to
have fallen off its axis,
these words are here to
remind you that everything
is going to be all right.

Like a soft hand on your shoulder,
these words are here to offer
you solace and support.
They are here to steady you
with their sparkling truths,
until you can find your way again.

You may feel like the world is
crumbling about you, but beneath
your feet the earth remains solid and sure,
waiting to return you to wholeness again.
Lie down, if you need, and let yourself
be held in gravity's faithful embrace.

You may feel like every last door
has slammed shut, but it has not.
Take a deep breath, and wait
patiently for your vision clear.
Soon enough a sure sliver of light will
illuminate the darkness that has fallen.

You may feel like you cannot manage
another second of this sadness, but you can.
Steady your mind, and resist the urge
to lean toward to dangerous conclusions.
It's too soon to tell what may happen next,
and, of course, this, too, shall pass.

You have been training for this
moment for your whole life.

You know how to do this.
You know how to breathe.
You know how to rest your gaze
firmly on the here and now.
You know how to manage difficulty
with tenderness and grace.

You know how to sit with what is,
without hurtling into fantasies of
future catastrophe or useless regret.
You know how to wait with patience,
to trust the ways of the greater world,
to act out of courage and faith.

So tuck these words away for a day
when you need help remembering.
They are here to reassure you
that you know how to live in love,
with clear eyes and tender heart,
regardless of the weather of the world.

These words are here to tell you that the
earth still spins and the rivers flow,
and the world's endless light shines on.
These words are here to hold you,
to nurture steadiness and strength, as we
open together to the mystery the lies ahead.