Meditation is an open and expansive state that arises when we are completely present in the here-and-now with clear vision and a welcoming spirit. It is a state of being rather than doing, and it fosters a profound sense of wakefulness and clarity. Regular meditation practice helps cultivate a sense of unshakeable ease and wellbeing in our lives.
It is possible to enter a state of meditation anytime, anywhere. In this state we feel completely absorbed in the moment as time stands still, the mind grows quiet, and the heart grows bright. In formal meditation practice, we set aside time each day to cultivate this state of being. With commitment, meditation becomes a dependable ally that helps us stay clear, balanced and open, even on the most challenging days.
How does such a simple practice offer so many benefits? Much of the answer is a mystery, though I have come to love four important gifts of meditation.
Left to its own devices, the mind tends to act like a monkey in a jungle, swinging from thought to thought, hooting, howling and generally stirring up trouble. (If you don't believe me, set a timer for five minutes, close your eyes and watch what happens to your thoughts. I'm willing to wager that you will quickly discover that you, too, have at least a few monkeys in your brain.)
Meditation trains the mind to behave better. Just as we head to the gym to exercise our muscles, we settle onto a meditation cushion to train our brains. We teach our minds to focus, we guide ourselves away from unproductive thoughts, and we learn to act more skillfully. We train those monkeys within to behave in ways that support our lives rather than throw us off balance in sneaky and destructive ways.
Over time, with patience and persistence, we sharpen our ability to settle with ease into the present moment. We train the muscles in our minds to act wisely, in ways that support our deepest loves and values, and in ways that help not just ourselves but also the entire world.
Modern research confirms the power of this ancient practice to change our minds. Scientists have learned that the brains of meditators are different from those of non-meditators. They've learned how different states of mind activate different regulatory centers of the brain. And they've proven that meditation has the power to shift our nervous systems in ways that nurture balance and calm.
Most of the time our minds are far away from the experience of the moment. We spend our days lost in thought, rehashing past events or fantasizing about the future. We get lost in discursive thinking, losing ourselves in long and dramatic monologs about our lives that may or may not be true.
Meditation returns us to the here-and-now, to a state of deeper presence in the world. Over and over we draw our awareness to the sensations of being alive in the moment, the only place where life can truly be lived. As we do this, we fall into a more direct, intimate and keenly felt experience of life as it passes through us. We wake up to the sheer wonder of being here, participating in all the joys and sorrows of the world.
As we begin to train our minds to more fully experience life lived now - instead of spending our days lost in thought - we sense a deeper amazement of the many gifts all around us. We commit to spending our days fruitfully and with care, rather than frittering them away in mindlessness and distraction. We learn to show up for our lives.
Birdsong sounds brighter. Water tastes cleaner. Chocolate tastes sweeter. A single smile warms our spirit all day. And the blue sky fills our hearts with a profound yet simple happiness. We fall wildly and wonderfully in love with all of life.
Have you ever been to the beach just after a torrential storm? The waves churn, the sand darkens the water, and debris bobs all about. Sometimes it's impossible to see your toes as you wade along the shore. When the weather clears, though, the sand settles and the water grows clear enough to see all the marvels that swim amid the vast blue sea.
This settling and clarifying process is just what meditation does inside of us. As our brains quiet, our stirred up thoughts settle. Life comes into cleaner and clearer focus. Delusions slip away. Wisdom bubbles up. We begin to see more clearly what our lives are all about and we are inspired to act in ways that support these fundamental values.
As the lens of our awareness clears, we grow cleaner and more balanced. We learn how to respond with wisdom and care to both the delights and challenges that life throws our way. We develop skills that allow us to live in greater balance and harmony, even amid the turbulence of the outer world.
As we grow more adept at settling our thoughts, wonderful epiphanies arise. Our minds and hearts grow more expansive and whole. We sense a deeper connection between ourselves and others. We begin to understand how deeply our own joys and sorrows are entwined with the joys and sorrows of others.
Our sense of self broadens beyond the boundaries of our own skin. We grow kinder and more tenderhearted. We act not just on behalf of our smaller selves but also on behalf of all of life. And we finally understand that love matters most, in the beginning and in the end.
Through diligent meditation practice, we sense an ever-deepening sense of unity with all that is, was and will be. We are returned to our deepest self and to the widest world, in clarity, happiness and peace.